Through the Sarah D. Lande Education Co., in partnership with Wanxiang America Corporation, 13 students from Muscatine participated in a Study in China Experience Program. This immersive four-week program allowed students to explore China, study the Chinese language, participate in cultural experiences, and gain insight into clean energy science.
“I feel inspired to be more ambitious and innovative due to this trip,” said a student participant. “From the company we visited to the green architecture in the cities – it makes me want to study hard and make an impact in the world!”
The Study in China Experience Program ran from July 7 through August 3, 2024. During their time in China, students visited historical landmarks, participated in traditional Chinese arts, and engaged with local communities. In addition, they attended seminars and hands-on workshops focused on Chinese language, culture, and clean energy technologies at Wanxiang Polytechnic in Hangzhou, China.
“Every city we visited was a highlight in its own right in terms of infrastructure, technology, people, and cultural customs,” said Jesse Garcia, a trip chaperone. “Through our experiences and time together, both U.S. and Chinese students formed bonds and friendships that allowed for a greater understanding of each other. I hope this trip will allow students to walk away with a greater understanding of humanity as many of them shared the sentiment regarding our similarities more than our differences.”
This partnership is part of the 100,000+ Strong Education Exchange Initiative in China. This national effort is designed to deepen the friendship and cultural understanding between China and the United States.
A student noted, “This opportunity is a moment to learn about yourself and what you understand about the world. It helps challenge your own worldview, which can be scary, but it is also really rewarding.”
The Sarah D. Lande Education Co. and Wanxiang America Corporation Study in China Experience is supported by the Friendship Education Fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine, which was established to provide opportunities for students to continue and expand our cultural and educational citizen diplomacy and friendship relationships, primarily with China. This study abroad program has been offered four times since 2014.